2022 Kebotix Customer Survey
Interview Questions

The SHD Group is a technology consulting firm that specializes in exciting, AI-related businesses. We have been retained by Kebotix to help gather feedback and opinions from key current and potential customers, in order to help Kebotix improve its service and product offering.

Your feedback is confidential and can be anonymized, should you wish.

1. Interviewee information

2. Overall Market Perspective: Using “Digital Innovation” (e.g. AI) in future materials development

3. Your Experience with Kebotix

How do you rate the potential impact of Kebotix to your work / company (1-10 with 10 being the highest)?

4. Kebotix Positioning

5. Kebotix Company Positioning

6. Expanding the Relationship & Future Partnering

Kebotix is seeking long-term relationships, helping our customers succeed. They have several mechanisms by which to engage on a long-term basis:
  • AI-driven software tools for chemistry
  • Co-development of new materials
  • Licensing of materials IP

Which of these (or combination thereof) do you think best align with how Kebotix could help to better serve your business needs?

Kebotix enables customers to leverage our technology directly, providing software products that bring AI to the labs, producing more predictable, more successful, and faster R&D results. With this in mind:

Discussion topics during our call:

Market Perspective

  • What do you see as the greatest barriers for your company’s adoption of digital innovation?
  • What are your expectations related to using AI/Data Science in your role? For your company?
  • What do you see as the greatest impact of digital innovation in the materials science arena?
    • For you individually? (e.g., organizational improvement, growth for your team)
    • For your company? (Can you quantify the potential impact)
    • For the industry in general?
    • How do you plan to realize those benefits, based on your company’s structure and culture?

Your Experience with Kebotix

  • What has been the impact of working with Kebotix?
  • In what ways did Kebotix exceed or miss your expectations?
  • Would you be willing to provide a testimonial?
    • Would your company be agreeable to a “Case Study” around your use of Kebotix?

Kebotix Positioning

  • How would you describe Kebotix products or services to your CEO?
  • How would you describe Kebotix as a company to your CEO?

Relationship Expansion

  • What are your expectations when using these new types of Kebotix methods and tools for materials development?


  • What would you like to see Kebotix do better?
  • Based on your experience and your knowledge of Kebotix, how can Kebotix best serve you moving forward?
  • Any other feedback or comments you’d like to share with Kebotix?